Tinsel, Treats & Trolleys 2025
Tinsel, Treats & Trolleys is the ABA's signature holiday event featuring the Ada Bridge Lighting, Santa's Village, Trolley Rides through Ada Village, a Candy Cane Forest, DJ Dance Party, Live Reindeer, Storytime at the Ada History Center, Sled Dogs at the Library, family activities, and more! Join us to kick-off the holiday season and create special memories with family and friends.
Festival of Trees:
The Festival of Trees will take place in Legacy Park near River Street in Ada from December 1st - December 31st. 50 sustainable trees will be available to decorate. Stroll the pathway and view the trees as part of the Holiday Lights Walk in Ada.
5:15pm - Bridge Lighting
5:45pm - Trolleys Start and Santa arrives at Santa's Village
Event map and program will be available closer to the event.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed at event
- Full page recognition in event brochure
- Logo on event flyer
- Opportunity to speak at event
- Recognition/logo in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
NORTH POLE SPONSOR | $5000 / Non-Member $6000
- Company name and logo prominently displayed at event
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Logo on event flyer
- Recognition/logo in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
TROLLEY SPONSOR | $3000 / Non-Member $3500
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Banners with logo on event Trolleys
- Special mentions during the event by trolley conductors
- Recognition/logo in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
CANDY CANE FOREST SPONSOR | $2500 / Non-Member $3000
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Logo on signage in the Candy Cane Forest
- Recognition in 'Letters to Santa' area
- Recognition/logo in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
SANTA'S VILLAGE SPONSOR | $2500 / Non-Member $3000
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Banner at Santa's Village entrance
- Recognition in Elf Clubhouse area
- Recognition/logo in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
TROLLEY STOP SPONSOR | $1000 / Non-Member $1250
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Name and logo on signage at Trolley Stops
- Name listed in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
SANTA'S VILLAGE VENDOR | $600 / Non-Member $750
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Table under heated tent in Santa’s Village
- Name listed in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
SANTA SPONSOR | $500 / Non-Member $600
- Company logo printed in event brochure
- Logo on sign by Santa’s Sleigh
- Name listed in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media platforms
TINSEL SPONSOR | $250 / Non-Member $300
- Name listed in event brochure
- Name listed in ABA newsletter
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage
TREE SPONSOR | $100 / Non-Member $150
- Sponsor & decorate a live tree in the Festival of Trees
- Logo on small yard sign by tree (ABA provides sign)
- Logo recognition on ABA event webpage and social media
Click on the Register button to sponsor. Deadline to register and appear in print materials is November 7, 2025. Download the sponsorship form.
Additional event parking available at Ada Vista School and Ada Christian Reformed Church on Bradfield St. Once parked follow the Tinsel, Treats & Trolleys signs to the pedestrian tunnel. We will also have a Trolley Stop in the parking lot with shuttle transportation from the parking lot to Historic Ada.
Audiovisual recordings and photographs may be taken during this event, which may be used for any purpose the Ada Business Association (ABA) sees fit, including advertising and promotion of Ada and the ABA and its programs and services, in any form or media, including but not limited to the Internet. By attending this event, you consent to being recorded and photographed and grant the ABA, and anyone acting under authority, the right and permission to use your name, likeness, voice, quotes, statements, and personal information as recorded during this event. If you have concerns, please speak to our staff.

Date and Time
Friday Dec 5, 2025
5:15 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Friday, December 5, 2025
Ada Village
Event is free to attend.
Contact Information
Kim Rantala, Executive Director
Send Email